Great Bike Tour

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A bike tour will give you a different perspective on the city than the traditional bus tours. I highly recommend bike tours if travelling with fidgety tweens like mine. They get to see & smell the sights and cycling at the same time. A bike with appropriate size will be given. Helmets were available, optional to use. Our guide Ollie was engaging, friendly and informative. He talked to everyone in the tour with great ease and gladly entertained questions from the kids. The tour was so much fun. Ollie also played songs from his speaker on his bike, great for us to follow the sound and great for other people to look out for us. There wasn’t much time to wander off and take lots of pictures but it was sufficient. Towards the end of the journey, one of the participant broke the chain on his bike. Ollie offered his bike instead and valiantly pedal pushed the broken bike with his foot. His reaction and manner regarding the incident was commendable. He didn’t let the situation get everyone down and simply get on with the tour. Ollie saved the day! Highly recommended!